Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Development Of Press In Pakistan

Development Of Press In Pakistan
The development of the institution of press in Pakistan as a whole is unprecedented. Despite difficult problems the press has developed a great deal in the following directions:
1. Number of newspapers
At the time of partition the total number of Muslim newspapers and periodicals in the areas forming Pakistan did not exceed 200. Now there are about 1500 newspapers and journals.
2. Increase in circulation
Before independence the average circulation of a daily newspaper was three to four thousand. Now the established newspapers have circulations ranging between hundred fifty thousand and two hundred thousand. Even the less established newspapers have a circulation of about 25000 copies. 3. The pages and the contents of the newspapers and periodicals have substantially increased. 4. All newspapers publish special editions almost every day. They also publish special Friday magazines. 5. The make-up techniques have totally changed. With the arrival of computer in major newspapers a revolution has taken place in the entire production process.
6. Many newspapers and journals have commercially consolidated their position.
7. The volume of advertisements has increased manifold.
8. Regional press has also developed a great deal.
9. A new kind of journalism has emerged in the form of digest journalism, agricultural journalism, medical journalism, etc. All major organizations publish house journals.
10. Major publishing houses are now running chain newspapers. They are publishing editions from several centres simultaneously. Dawn, the Pakistan Times, Nation, Frontier Post, Jang, Nawa-i-Waqt and Mashriq are appearing from more than one centre.
11. Urdu press has achieved phenomenal progress.
12. The salary structure of working journalists has improved to a great extent. Their working conditions are also far better now.
13. Urdu newspapers have switched over to the electronic system. The production techniques have also changed. Before 1947 the readership of the Urdu press was limited. Now the newspapers cater to the tastes of al classes of people.They reflect the wishes and aspirations of the people in general. Special pages for women, children, sports, artists and youth are published almost every day which has given impetus to social change. Unlike the past, the press does not serve the elite only. Talented persons from all walks of life find representation in the newspapers. The new spirit of journalism aims at all-round progress of society. One major change is visible in our newspapers. Generally they can survive without politics as they have survived lengthy martial law regimes. The extensive coverage provided by newspapers to peoples activities in all segments of society reflects the expanding role of media in our country. Radio and T.V. networks are also expanding rapidly. Simultaneous expansion in public relations and advertising is complementary to the growth of the press. There is unusual stress on national consciousness. The problems of the people are consistently highlighted.

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