To cash out, you have 02 option to choose from:
Option 1 (for the long term):
This option applies for both new citizens of empowr and old users from FanBox.
If you wish to cash out, you must meet these conditions:
- Pay all Ad Platform fee.
- Pay back all Ad Credits Utilized.
- The remain 90-day earnings mature must be $25.00 (minimum cashing out amount) or bigger.
- Earning Preference must be "ON" at least 90 consecutive days.
Option 2 (for the short term):
Right now this option applies for new citizens of empowr. Will be applied for old FanBox users in Jan-2016.
- Every time you pay Ad Platform fee, you will get 50% as rebate earning and it can be cashed out immediately.
To use this option in the best profitable way, you need to be a highest Power User level as you can (pay Ad Platform fee from 100% 0-day profits, no need to pay from your own pocket), utilize Ad Credits as much as you can (you can cash out bigger amount). Work hard to earn much profits that you can, so that in the future, you can cash out both option 1&2.
Access into your Balance, click "Cash Out" button then choose your favorite payment method (PayPal or Bank Check), fill the required information then click "Submit".

0in 0.0001pt;">You need to wait up to 10 business days (PayPal) or 4~8 week (Bank Check) to receive your payment.
- How to turn "Earning Preference" On? ... coming soon.
- How earnings matured?... coming soon.
By my experience, some time you get paid sooner than that, some time it takes more longer, but its not a big deal, you will get paid - if you made cashing out request successfully.
Why you CANT cash out?
You cant cash out if you do not meet cashing out policies, such as: have not paid IPL fee & Ad Credit utilized, do not have 90-day earning matured, have not turn Earning Preference ON (or turn ON but less than 90 consecutive days)
To solve it, read these articles:
- How to pay AdPlatform fee?- How to pay back utilized Ad Credit?
- How to turn "Earning Preference" On? ... coming soon.
- How earnings matured?... coming soon.
Some people ask: when I can cash out?
With the option 1: No one can answer this question! Whys that? It depends on 03 vary elements: how much profits you make monthly, how much Ad Credits that system utilized from Managed Ad Campaign monthly and empowr will launch the new Power User level or not.
With option 2: After 15 days since you started to utilize Ad Credit, you will have the first fee due, if you pay fee on-time, you will get 50% fee as rebate earning and can cash it out immediately.
Some people do nothing but when they see a bunch of money, greedy rises up and want to cash out immediately. They dont know that its Ad Credits that empowr supplies them to help them earn (without using their own money), it can be cash out or utilized in any other purpose rather than fund into Ads or Ad Campaign to make profits.
And then they up set, rate their coach "0", rate the platform "0" then scream out loud "empowr scam" ( or "FanBox scam")! Its funny!
Please ask yourself, have you ever given away a single dollar?
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