Saturday, April 9, 2016


In my previous post " Ideas to make money with public domain images " I describe you the way how you can make money with public domain images by using print on demand sites.Today In my this blog post I describe you the ways to promote your Zazzle store in 21 different ways

1.Make a Squidoo account and create a squidoo lens to promote your Zazzle store.Squidoo is contains a good amount of visitor to their site,If your Squidoo lens is unique you can generate sales 

2.Make more squidoo lenses...more...more and more never end creating.Make at least one Squidoo lens for 1 niche of your zazzle store

3.You can start a blog.Everybody is on the internet searching for more and more information starting a blog is free,quick and effective.Checkout site list where you can create blog for free

4.Promote your Zazzle Store in your niche fourms is the best way to promote your zazzle stores.

5.Creating backlinks for your zazzle store is the best way to help your zazzle store to stand out at search result.

6.Fill out full description in each of your item products,and make them believable to the visitor

7.Fill out At least 20-25 tags for each of your zazzle products,and describe your product like it is the best.

8.Find the best product that fits your images,Your images are not perfect for everyone.Find out what fits you best and stick to it 

9.Create a email marketing campagian at your blog.Whenever you post something new to your zazzle store and blog post email it to your every subscriber

10.Create niche website for all your categories and list your zazzle products on this website.Find out where to setup a site completely free.

11.Get listed in relevant web directories.

12. YouTube the best way to promote your zazzle store.Create a video about your zazzle store and post it to different video sharing sites

13.Join Facebook and twitter make new friends and followers and when you post something new to your zazzle store you can tweet and update states at this sites

14.Join MySpace and create a fun and unique page.

15.Creating networks is a useful part of marketing.Create networks with more blogger to attracts links and fans

16.Social bookmark your gallery, your Squidoo lenses that promote them, and any blogs that mention your store.

17.Customize your Zazzle gallery and make the front page look more attractive to potential customers.

18.Participate in the forums on Zazzle to learn new things and get new ideas.

19.Link your social networking profiles to your Zazzle gallery.

20.Start a fan page on Facebook.

21.Social bookmarking.It is the best and easy way to get bookmarks all the web pages,lenses,websites,blogs,social profiles anything that link back to your site.

These are some ways by which you can promote your Zazzle store if you want more than you can subscribe to our blog.

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