Thursday, April 7, 2016

9 tips on creating poster at Zazzle

Hi in many previous posts I give you the idea of making real poster and selling them at amazon.You can checkout my two blog post on making money with public domain images using amazon.
1.make money with public domain images using amazon
2.make money with public domain images using amazon part 2

Making real poster cost you little money but if you are not using this method you can use a free method of creating poster.
All of you familiar with print on demand services like Zazzle,cafepress.They are free site,where you can create your account for free and make money by creating different products.

At Zazzle you can also make poster.Below I am guiding you from some steps on creating poster at zazzle.

first you have to setup an account which you can create Here.You have to create a store,create a store on your favourite theme but it have to be a niche.You all know that niche is always profitable.
After creating a store you have to create products.Here you have to create a poster, so checkout my steps on creating poster at Zazzle

1.Go to and sign in

2.Go to create tab at the navigation

3.When webpage loads choose poster from the list.

4.Upload your public domain image at your poster.You can also add text and more images at your poster. They have 500+ fonts for your use.

5.After doing all the work name your product and post list for sale.

6.Fill ou your product  description,Remember the description part is the most important part of your product,By reading description a visitor determines that he/she have to buy these product or not.

7.The next step is to choosing your product category,Also if you dont know zazzle not categorised its product they gives you the opportunity to categorized your product,so carefully do that.

8.Fill out keywords that best fits your product and your zazzle store niche theme.I recommend you to use google keyword for researching your keywords.

9.after doing all the stuff fill out your royalty amount and post product for sale.

This are the 9 tips to creating your zazzle poster but dont think that you done all the work and you got the money for your effort.The difficult part is coming next.

Advertising and online marketing is difficult to do but we made this part simple for you checkout this 21 WAYS TO PROMOTE YOUR ZAZZLE STORE

1.Fill out your description full and good.
2.zazzle give you 10 tags as power tag use them carefully.
3.Keep your royality amount low and affordable.

This post end here but making money from public domain images is never end.If you have any idea about making money with public domain you can give this idea in comment or you can write for our blog.

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