1. Why you need to optimize account when make money with empowr?Optimize account helps you maximize earnings from posting contents.
2. How to optimize your account?
You need to check your empowr Home Page, if your account is not optimized, optimization gauge looks like this:

You need to click into the "Optimize now" button to optimize your account. If you optimized your account successfully, your optimization gauge looks like this:

3. What will happen after optimizing account?
-Power User Earning Accelerator will be turned ON.
-Managed Ad Campaign will be activated
-Earning Preference will be ON
4. What you must do to keep your account optimized?
-Ad Credit Utilization Controller must be at least 51%. For the best result, you must set 100%.
-Pay Ad Platform fee on time to keep Managed Ad Campaign actives.
-Do not turn Ad Credit or/and Earning Preference or/and Earning Accelerator OFF.
5. How much does this cost?
Account optimization is FREE but if some one has Ad Platform fee due, they have to pay fee in order to optimize account.
After account is optimized, Manage Ad Campaign will be activated and will utilize Ad Credits. You will need to pay monthly Ad Platform fee base on your Ad Credit utilized ( please review the section 3&4 above).
Your monthly Ad Platform fee = (fee rate) x (Ad Credit utilized)
Depend on what paying option that you choose, the fee rate might be 1.5x% (pay monthly option) or 2.9x% (pay when cash out option).
If you choose 2.9x%, your account will not be optimized and will not get the rebate earning that we will talk later.
And we will talk more about Ad Credit soon.
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