Wednesday, April 6, 2016

make money with public domain images using amazon

In this post I introduce you the Idea to make money with public domain images using amazon.I have many ideas and i want share all idea with you.

make money with public domain images using amazon

When we heard about making money with public domain images many ideas are pulled out in our mind and they have no ends.Everyday marketer create a new way to make money with public domain images.One of the main and succesful idea to make money with public domain is using amazon.It not cost you and you can generates profits from little efforts

Making money with amazon But wait what is amazon?
Amazon is a online retailer who gives the opportunities to venders to sell their products and goods at their marketplace.This is like an online mall where you can shop from the thousand of thousand brilliant products.
Most of the online shopper buy products from amazon so you have also the most chances to take full advantage of their traffic.

So how to make money with amazon using public domain images
There is no ends of the ideas about this question.You just need a amazon account,and some of public domain images.You have to create a pdf CD product from this images

1.Download the best public domain poster images.

2.Collect all this images at one place or folder.We recommend you to download 400-500 public domain images It is a good amount.

3.Download adobe acrobat reader By which you can create a pdf

4.Converet all images into pdf.This is simple open acrobat reader and choose create from multiple file,Browse the public domain images folder and then select all images.This is so simple

5.You can also include text and other creativity in these pdf file.Include anything you like text,more images,some information like reusing public domain images and other more interesting thing.You can do a Google search on image editing software

6.Just now create a account on amazon and sell it.

Remember this blog is to give just ideas on money making with public domain images no the guide and we do our best to do what we do.

Tips to successful in previous idea
1.If you create a niche contain images pdf the tings go much better.
2.You can also Creat more niche public domain images pdf and sell them in your here to see The list of site where you can create a website for free.

Checkout making money with public domain images using amazon part 2

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