Friday, April 22, 2016

The Best Ways To Make Money From Youtube CPA PPI

Best Ways To Make Money From Youtube-CPA-PPI
In this method,you re-direct your viewer to your website Or blog by snapping up the video after getting him/her interested.On your website or blog you may require him to first provide the information(Needed by your CPA offer) before being able to watch the full video.

There is another variation of this method.You upload a clip from your video and then force the buyer to visit your site by saying “Youtube Terms &Conditions don’t allow me to show the full content here.Please visit my site at(Address of your site) to enjoy the FULL video”.
This method works extremely well with adult rated video.Just upload a soft sexy teaser with no nudity and insert a message like “The Youtube TOS doesn’t allow me to let you enjoy this HOT video of a SEXY girl STRIPPING before the cameraman.But don’t worry,you’ll be able to watch the FULL movie at(insert the link to a rapidshare file)”.

You’ll bind the video together with a “read me.txt” and zip it. The “read me.txt” document will guide the reader to visit your offer and submit the required information in order to get the password and unlock the video.You can create a “read me” message something like this:

“Hi Friend
I am extremely sorry for your inconvenience but I work from a shared
computer and I have to recently password protect all my files in order to stop
their misuse.
Just click on the link below:
{insert the link to your site Or blog here.You can directly insert your
affiliate link too}
 And enter the required information to get the password.Your password is the
5th word after the thank you.”

You can generate leads for multiple offers with this technique(by forwarding them to one offer after another until they get bored).

Follow the screenshots below to make your files password protected.

1)Find the location of the file in your computer.
2)Right click on it and select “Add To Archive”
text-align: center;">Click on that and you’ll see a check box on the bottom right that
says “lock archive”.Check it and click OK.

Now click on the “advanced tab” and click “set password”.
Set a password that you can remember.Click OK and then OK

Now if you have done everything correctly,you’ll see a file saved to your desktop.Click it and you’ll be asked for a password.If it’s not so then follow the above mentioned procedure once again.

After creating a password and locking the file ,you are going to create a shortcut for your file.Simply right click on it.You’ll see a “create shortcut” icon click on that and Type the website address
where you have posted the affiliate link or banner.

The above mentioned technique works like a charm.In fact it converts much better than the first one.Because a person who has downloaded a file like 30 MB or 40MB in size will do everything
to be able to get the password and watch the video.

For additional revenue generation you can use pay-per-install(PPI) programs. These programs provide you with a very small file (with your affiliate code embedded in it) which you have to include in the zipped file containing video.These programs will be installed automatically on their computer once they open the zip file and you get a commission ranging from $0.70-$1.45 without any extra effort on your part.

In order to preserve your reputation ,make sure to turn the COMMENTS option off.Otherwise the viewers may expose the password or post negative things.

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