Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Using public domain images with print on demand

"One day I was just looking around the web and founded a public domain image website,It got my attention and I download some public domain movie poster.They are great movies poster.Exactly at that time I was just starting making money with print on demand services.I open Photoshop and from movie poster i trace James bond and place it on t shirts,describe it well in description and do some marketing and under 10 days i got 13 sales,isnt its amazing"

What is a print on demand
Print on demand is a service which allow its user to upload or place their artwork and images on a wide number of product they have.Then the product is displays in their marketplace and store provided by them to you.When this product get sales you earn a small royalty fees for it.

Using public domain images with print on demand

I discuss this topic in my many past posts.You are free to use public domain images with print on demand services.Using them to create products is a great way to generate some money online with public domain images.Just download some pd images place them at products do some marketing and you are climbing up the stairs of making money online.

Print on demand resources
Zazzle is the leading print on demand service around the web.Here you can place your images on 250+ products.Their function is pretty much simple to use. You can also edit text,They provide you with 500+ fonts to use in your text.You can open as many store you want and also you are free to customize them with html.They have many promotion tools like flash panel,blog panel and many more sharing and promotional tools.Their website are search friendly also.zazzle is a great place for newbie to start their money making journey.

cafepress- I dont know anything about it but it is the second most popular print on demand service around the web.

Just making product is not enough for making money.You have to add some effort in marketing.For this you can go here 21 ways to promote your zazzle store

Okay we are done for today,I think you got some idea of this post.For those who are not using and print on demand services I would argue you to sign up for zazzle.Test this idea now go go goooooooooo

If you want more tips you can buy this eBook for just $0.99 

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