Pakistan is facing immense wave of terrorism and thousands of citizens and soldiers of Pakistan sacrifice their lives in this terrorism but there is big role of fake registration of sims and misuse of technology in expansion of terrorism in Pakistan that is why government of Pakistan is making focus on biometric registration in Pakistan. Biometric registration means that cellular companies will take not only the national identity card numbers of customers but they will also have the thumb impression of the people who are the owner of their sims to make sure that only people who own sims are using their sims.
You can register your sim on biometric system by visiting your local franchise which is near to your home by keeping your original card of Pakistani nationality which is national identity card number and the sim which you wants to get register. the representative of mobile phone company will take your thumb impression and you will get registered with your sim on and you will receive message on your phone number that your sim is verified on biometric is totally free service and no one can demand or take money for it so you are requested to inform Pakistan telecom authority about any suspicious activity of taking money from cellular sim owners.

If you had taken your sim from franchise which had taken your thumb impression on biometric system then there is no need to one again verify your sim on biometric system. There are many people in your nearby which proclaim to verify your sims on biometric system by standing on roads and footpaths money from you because these people art taking the advantage of huge lines of people at the front of mobile franchises so you are advised to stay away from such people. you are also advised that if you receive message on your mobile that your sim is not verified on despite of the fact that you had done verification of your sim than immediately call the help line of your respective cellular company so that you avoid the struggle to one again done biometric registration of your sim.
It is very good step taken by government to ensure protection of people because more than seventy percent crimes is Pakistan are associated with these fake sims and people who have no link with criminals had to face the circumstances because these sims had been registered on their identity will not only stop flow of illegal sims with fake details of registration but will eradicate capacity of terrorists and criminals to hide their identity but mobile companies must give incentive to masses by upgrading their capability of verifying sims on biometric systems so that all the sims become biometrically verified in minimum possible time without any hesitation and hurdles because many people are getting money from owners on name of quick verification of sims.
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