So all you need is 3 people per day who will make you $50.
I run ads in local newspapers and CL that I help people to make money online. I will train them and in return they will pay me a % of their income + a fee. Only after they are making money. Because I am sure that this works , I will take the fee only after they are already making money.
Now I state this since that builds trust. No one really would just do it for free. Now they see that I have something to gain also.
Basically people land on my shitty landing pages where I explain them what to do.
Then they will sign up or add me on skype/AIM/MSN (this is what I normally do).
Now I basically explain them how they will be making money.
You will be getting jobs from and you will be hiring people for less on
So explain what those sites are (pre write all that stuff , so you can copy paste)
Tell them that you take only 2 people . And basically ask if they are intrested in working with you.
Once they say YES, send them to Freelancer and Odesk. Tell them to contact you once they have registered.
They will go an register and come back. Tell them to add payment details to Odesk. (add credit card and verify the deposit numbers) and update payment info on
They do that and you gotten yourself a $50.
So all you need is 3 to 4 guys and you have $200. You can also play with it and make most of those leads. Send them to another offers that are required or make them buy something off you (dont tell its you)
It is blackhat kind of, but basically after that send them a pdf that is basically explaining to them how to bid on freelancer and hire from odesk. Like good thing is that , this method that you are teaching them actually works to make money. Probably the easiest method everyone can do.
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