Odesk is basically a work platform. In which independent professionals and businesses connect online. Internet has a major platform where many employments issues can be tackled. On this platform freelancers have many great chances and opportunities. Odesk.com is biggest market where freelancers and clients can complete their different task online so many freelance Jobs in Pakistan. It saves times and freelancers can competitive price on every project. Odesk focuses more individuals than companies.
The Best option is to withdraw form Odesk is Payoneer Mastercard which is very fast and safe for Pakistani worker. See detail about Payoneer Mastercard apply & get 25$ for free.

Bank Account:
Odesk is great service in which employees dont need any 3rd party gateway to get money. There is just need of enter bank account in Odesk and payment will be sent to account directly. In order to withdraw money into Pakistan account first off all add bank account and for this purpose go to Money Bookers> My Account> My Profile > List of Bank Account. You need to switch code by bank. Now the question is what is switch code?
Switch Code:
It is code for identification which is for financial and non financial institutions. These codes are used for transforming money between the banks especially for international wire transform. There should be entered same requirements for example Account number, Branch Name, Address, Country, State/ Province and Phone Number etc.
Solid Information:
Valid and solid information should be given to create account. Spellings and other requirements also should be same. Your account will be returned after unsuccessful in creating account in 15 days.
Money Bookers:
In Odesk you have to simply sign up in Moneybookers or you have option Skrill. Skrill is known as Money Bookers that is third party for money transfer. Odesk takes 1$ for each withdrawal using Skril and Skrill takes 2.5$ for every transaction. With skrill money can be got payment in 2 or 3 working days.
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