Monday, April 4, 2016

Ideas to make money with public domain images

Making money on the web is now becoming more popular and popular.Internet marketer always want to make major profits in Little work where this option making money with public domain generates the best way.Below i am going to give you idea on how to make money with public domain

What to do with public domain

You have a lot of options when You want to make money with public domain images.If you have The right kind of image,That is liked by anyone, you can make your own products by print on demand on many different items to sell.

Do you love vinatge art,world war poster? Paintings and images that is taken or created before 1923, including the old Master peices,all are in public domain.Run your mind do you have any product idea that uses the image "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci? You are free to use it on any product you like because is it in public domain.

Maybe you love vintage stamps,postcards, or soldiers Posters, or world war Maps.Or maybe vintage commercial ads poster or old music cover art inspires you.

any types of images are your favorite, you will find public domain images all over the web.

Product Ideas Using Public Domain Images and Zazzle are two online print on Demand that offer a very unique,brilliant and helpful service. They allow Its user to upload Any type of image to heir account and place this images on diefferent art products To sell in their marketplace

You can advertise those art products in store provided by them to you, and when you generate a sale from visitor,then you earn a royality. CafePress and Zazzle do all the work for you Like seting up a store of any kind,giving you banner and many other widgets.

What you can do with this prind on demand services

What you can do with print on demand services.Print on demand services gives you some of the feature

List your product in their website store
Make the product
Collect payments from your customers make
money with public domain image using print on demand
Ship the item
Follow-up with customer service

All you do is collect your share of the sale.
This print on demand is full free services - thats correct, it doesnt cost you anyting to create products from this services and list them for sale on their website and store thst is created by them for you.Yo earn the some of the portion generated by the sales. If you dont sell anything, you are not out any money.

What kind of products do they sell? Here is just a partial list:

T-shirts and assorting clothing items
     (hoodies, tank tops, pajamas, underwear, flip flops, etc.
Kids and Baby items
     (clothing, baseball jerseys baby blankets and bottles,      hats and bodysuits, etc.)
Bags, keychains, buttons, jewelry
Wall Art of all kinds
Pillows, bedding, yoga mats
all kinds of pet products
License plates, flair
laptop and cell phone skins
ipod cases, Nook and Kindle covers
Stationary of all types....etc.

Whew! Im getting tired just listing all their products!
I think Ill just let you look at CafePresss full list of productsright here.

Check out Zazzles list of products here.

I did notice Zazzle offers mens ties and skateboards that you can personalize. Thats pretty fun.

Now, its important to understand that there are THOUSANDS of products on CafePress and Zazzle, and unless you have a super hot trendy product listed in their store, its unlikely you will get found on their site by random visitors.

Thats where savvy marketing comes in. Let these websites handle product production and fullfilment for you, but you need to take over advertising and marketing duties.

You can list your products on ebay, or on your own website, and point your customers to your Cafepress or Zazzle store to order the item.

Now once you have found a hot selling product, you may want to graduate to handling your own product creation, shipping fulfilment, and customer service. You can definitely make a greater percentage of the profit when you sell and ship your own items. You would order larger quantities from your supplierat a much lower cost per unit than Cafepress or Zazzle can give you.

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