Thursday, May 12, 2016

Get Involved With SA Spotters

SA Spotters is dedicated to growing the bodybuilding industry so that there are more opportunities for everybody with the same passion as us. The bigger the industry gets the more people it will be able to support financially. We are very happy with the online support we have gained. We are gaining a bigger following and support base every week. Surprisingly, our online visitors have grown from South Africa to around the world, including the USA, UK and Europe.
Its about time that we start sharing our growing popularity with others.
We are now allowing like-minded people who have something interesting to share with the bodybuilding world to share on our platform. If you have something that you would like to share with the bodybuilding community like a new training program, concerns about a product, a new business you would like to start in our industry or anything that you think our readers might be interested in, feel free to send us an email at

Why would anyone want to share on SA Spotters?

  • Free Exposure
Writing something for SA Spotters to share with our readers will expose what you have to say to our readers. People that might not know of related brands or products can find out right here.

Why would SA Spotters post things by other people?

Why would we share your stuff with our readers? Its quite simple... because we love good advice and tips that our readers are looking for. By publishing reader-created content, we are growing the amount of content on our website that readers will be interested in reading. 

What kind of stuff would SA Spotters accept to be published on the site?

  • Content That is Relevant to Bodybuilding

Content about why fishing is relaxing, for example, wont be accepted because it is not relevant to our readers. We are a bodybuilding site and tend to keep it that way. If our readers wont be interested in reading something, we wont post it on our site.

  • Submissions that are at least 600 Words long
This is not set in

stone, but submitting something to us about a new product you have tried which only has 5 sentences is not going to give our audience much detail about what you are trying to say. Try to go into as much detail as you can about the message you want to bring across. If we feel like your submission to SA Spotters doesnt contain enough information or doesnt satisfy the appetite of a reader who might be looking for information on that specific topic, we will reject it. Imagine looking for information on how to squat properly, clicking on it and only finding 2 sentences.
  • Your content Must be Read-Worthy
We are not an advertising platform, but we do want the bodybuilding industry to expand. Do not write a post listing your products and their prices only, because that wont have informative value for our readers. Write about something that people want to read about. 
  • You cannot use Fowl Language or Hate Speech
Do not swear in your posts and do not discriminate against anybody or any groups. Your article cannot show, in any way; any prejudice, hate, judgment or slander to any specific group of people (i.e. race, sexual orientation, religion, certain sports, physically inactive people, social class, etc.)
  •  Your Content Must be Unique

We dont accept anything that is already on the internet somewhere else. Your content needs to unique, written by you and there must not be any other copies of your content online. If you have a blog of your own that you want to promote, you will need to write a post specifically for us, that wont be on your blog as well. If the same post is on your blog AND our website, Google will list one of us under copy-cat status.

  • You cant use Media that is Copyrighted
Dont include pictures or videos that are copyright protected. You are welcome to include pictures that you have taken, pictures of yourself or company and self-made videos, but stealing other peoples pictures without their permission is not allowed.

Im interested! What do I do? 

Write up something interesting and email it to us at in a Word attachment or in the body of the email. You can include links, mentions and anything else you would like us to put in the post. We will review your content and if we feel that it will be beneficial to our readers and that it does not offend anybody or break any rules, we will publish it online and send you the link to share with your friends and followers.

Stay Strong!

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