Thursday, April 14, 2016

Make Money With Twitter and A Blog

How To Make Money With Twitter & A Blog If you consider how the micro blog site works, and how people use it, you can make money with Twitter. You have to keep in mind Twitters new role as an information network, and the fact that Twitter users regularly scan their Twitter stream for interesting news and updates.
One way to use Twitter effectively is to use it to keep sending your followers to your blog, whenever you have made another interesting post or have new information that would interest your followers. One example of concerted use of Twitter to drive followers to a site is Guy Kawasakis steady stream of intriguing tweets, which send followers to article excerpts on his Alltop site.
With a regularly updated blog, serving up news and information to a focused niche, and a Twitter following built up in the same niche, you can use Twitter like a notification service. Every time you post now content, use Twitter to bring your readers back to your blog. With a busy blog ? one you and guest bloggers are updating a number of times each day ? you can be running a series of tweets and bringing steady streams of visitors to your blog.

With ads or affiliates promotions on your blog that are well targeted to the type of followers your content attracts, bringing in steady streams of new and repeat traffic leads to a steady income from your blog. With Twitter as a marketing tool for sending visitors back to your blog again and again, you can vastly increase daily traffic to your blog and daily income.

The important part of making money with Twitter and a blog is to develop a system. You need to systematically update your blog with interesting, high-quality content. You need to systematically build a related following on Twitter. You need to systematically tweet updates to your Twitter followers. Consistently apply yourself to your blog and Twitter, and you can make money with Twitter.

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